Get on the beach—but don’t forget your sunscreen

By Augusta Statz

With summer fast approaching and the already hot weather, one thing that has been on my mind is the beach. I always strive to get a tan during the summer, but with my pale skin, I will never be the bronze goddess that I long to be. I get as close as I can, though.

One thing to remember when tanning is that it is good for your skin if you take the proper precautions to avoid getting a sunburn.

It is important to always apply sunscreen when you are going to be outside for an extended period of time.

Web MD suggests applying sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure. They also suggest that you reapply every one to two hours.

A good way to tell if you are reapplying often enough is based on the SPF that you are using and how quickly you burn without sunscreen. You take the time it would take you to burn and multiply it by the SPF. The example Web MD uses is if you burn after 20 minutes of being outside and you are using SPF 15, multiply 20 by 15. This equals 300, which means that you are protected from the sun 300 minutes after being outside. Although, it doesn’t hurt to reapply more often, especially when things like water come into play. Water is a good way to wear off the effectiveness of the sunscreen. It is recommended to use at least SPF 15 or higher depending on how prone to getting burned you are.  For example, pale skinned people with blond or red hair or people with a pigmentation disorder are highly prone to obtain a burn if outside for an extended amount of time.

Web MD also advises that you apply sunscreen to your face, a very sensitive area, before applying any type of moisturizer or makeup in the morning.

These are some tips that have helped me, and that I hope will help you in your tanning adventures. Sunburns are serious because too much skin damage by the sun can lead to long-term problems like an increased chance of having skin cancer and premature wrinkling and discoloration of the skin.

Sunlight is good for you, but too much can be potentially harmful. Be sure to keep these things in mind. The goal is to have bronze and healthy skin. So lather up, and good luck.