By Jon Rushing If you’re a fan professional wrestling, Mickey Rourke’s latest work “The Wrestler” might be a bit misleading. This isn’t your Monday Night Raw-type of film – “The Wrestler,” directed by Darren Aronofsky, begins 20 years after the height of fictional pro-wrestler Ra

By Tandy Versyp Instead of doing homework, I sat analyzing the new Britney Spears video – filled with a watered-down third-wave Feminist message. It’s for her new single “Womanizer,” a ridiculously catchy tune, if only because the chorus is: “Womanizer. Woman. Womanizer. You’re a womaniz

By Travis Walters Senator Ted Stevens, Republican of Alaska, left a D.C. area courtroom Monday convicted on seven counts of ethics violations. According to the New York Times, Senator Stevens maintained his composure and looked at the ceiling while the verdict was read. The 12-member jury found him

By Michael Jewell Maybe the next time I’m in Seattle I’ll skip the International Beer Festival before I see the Science Fiction Museum. I’m happy enough to pay a visit to a nerdy billionaire’s private collection of memorabilia on public display in a small building grafted onto the gaudy mons