By Kelsey Sanchez
The deadline to submit for next year’s Port City Review, SCAD’s annual student-run publication of masterful student art, is next Sunday, October 15. This collection of art includes work from all majors within SCAD. Run, judged and published by SCAD Student Media, overseen by Adam Crisp, student media advisor, and Emilie Kefalas, writing major, senior at SCAD and editor-in-chief of SCAD District—the publication is a labor of love. Both have worked with the publication for years and are excited about the upcoming volume, due to be published by late March 2018.
A cursory online search for “Port City Review SCAD” will display their online page and submission is easy from there. Any student can select their artistic category, create an account and submit their artwork. All submissions are received by the jury anonymously, giving students equal chance for publication.
Publication in Port City can be included on a resume and the process gives self-publishing experience for all students that submit. There is also an exhibition after all artwork has been selected by jurors; it is not often undergrads are given such an expansive platform for their art.
“Port City is a vehicle for publishing in the security and freedom of an academic setting,” Kefalas said. “We want you to believe in your art.”
There is no single theme to Port City, each submission and final collection is unique, which means every student can have sincerity and take pride in their art. Perhaps submit a passion piece that you have been waiting for an excuse to make, or an idea that’s been gathering dust on the shelf or just a project you really love from last quarter. You don’t have to be serious, funny, political or deep.
After it is published in the spring, printed copies of Port City Review will be available in the Student Media Office, located at 201 W. Oglethorpe Ave., and Alexander Hall. You can also ask professors of all departments to provide you with a copy. There will be a digital edition, as well, to accommodate digital media submissions.
The deadline to submit art to the 6th annual Port City Review is Sunday, October 15 at 11:30 p.m.