District_fashion_banner2By Nicholas Lawrence

Screen-shot-2012-05-20-at-1.52.11-AM1-e1337493388889Last night was the 2012 SCAD Fashion Show, where seniors showcased six looks in their collections. While industry professionals watched, models walked down the runway wearing these student designers’ outfits. We spoke to Carl Norgan, from St. Petersburg, Fla. who was attending both shows, on his thoughts about the event.

“It was my first fashion show and I’ll tell you it was very exciting. My daughter’s one of the designers in it, so her collection was shown and it was pretty exciting — just some really unique fashion, inspirational thinking I think, really technical.“

We also spoke to Zach Arrington, a freelance videographer SCAD alumni from Baltimore, Md. He was assisting D61 video productions shoot the fashion show and had this to say.

“It’s pretty intense. The sets really cool. I think it’s better than last year. The lighting’s better. The 4 o’clock audience was actually pretty cool and the show was fine. The only thing that disappointed me about the 4 o’clock show was the ending where the designers came out with a model it looked really sloppy and unrehearsed. But beside that the show was pretty killer.”

“The white dresses that I saw were really cool. The big couture puffball looking thing, that was pretty awesome.”

The event is a great opportunity for fashion majors to show their work to professionals, and form relationships and networking opportunities. It’s the product of a lot of hard work and dedication, and a chance for fashion majors to show fellow students what they’re doing. Savvy in Savannah this has been Nick Lawrence reporting for District.