Dress to Impress

Written by Sofia Ritz. Graphic by Ana Vergara Garcia.

The summer of 2024 saw a drastic surge in players of Dress to Impress (DTI), one of many games hosted on the parent platform Roblox. This relatively simple dress-up game has caught the attention of a much broader audience than expected, given Roblox’s historically young fanbase.

In fact, the company reported about half of DTI’s users to be over 18. But why? What about this children’s game is captivating so many young adults, and why now? 

Why does anyone play a game— to be entertained, to collaborate with friends, yes. But above all, people play to distract. It makes sense that Gen Z and Millennials are looking for a distraction right now, as an election in which many young people can vote for the first time is looming, along with political and social tensions on the rise. 

There’s a mindless, comforting quality about DTI that lends itself to easy escapism— DTI is reminiscent of dress-up games young adults grew up playing in the early 2000’s, cuddled up on the couch with mom’s iPad or perched at the family computer. DTI is a reminder of simpler times, an echo of blissful ignorance. The perfect distraction. 

But it’s not just outside forces drawing older participants to play: it’s the game itself. 

First off, the accessibility. DTI is free to download, and available on most devices. It’s also aesthetically pleasing; the graphics are clean and the items well designed— it doesn’t feel like a game made for children. 

DTI’s competitive nature also lends itself to a broader audience, because of the universal appeal of wanting to win. Players rate each other’s outfits at the end of each round, granting up to 5 stars per person, though the most competitive players commonly default to a 1 star vote. 

Roblox’s marketing for this game has been remarkable as well. Notably, they collaborated with singer Charli XCX to release a “BRAT” update on August 17, adding new outfit, hair and pose options. 

So many young adults, me included, are newly obsessed with Dress to Impress. I even held a Dress to Impress party this past weekend where friends came over, dressed up, and played the game. DTI speaks to our generation. The ideal combination of an easy, accessible, immersive game with nostalgia, competition and clever marketing. What’s more to love?