deFINE ART opens at SCAD Museum of Art [PHOTO ESSAY]
Photos by Angie Stong
On Feb. 17 the SCAD Museum of Art opened its glass doors for deFINE ART’s opening reception. Servers scurried through the crowd in the lobby serving finger-foods, iced-drinks and hot cocoa to the patrons taking a break from looking at the art work. Students, professors and even local artists came to see all the new exhibitions deFINE ART showcased. From Xu Bing’s “Things are not what they first appear,” incorporating cigarettes with each piece, to Ryoji’s Ikeda’s “data.tron/data.scan,” an endless projection of pixels and numbers, deFINE Art encompasses a wide range of art and mediums to appeal to varying tastes.
All deFINE ART exhibitions, receptions and events are free and open to the public.