To kick off the quarter on Sept. 10-11, ministries from local Savannah churches had booths and tables set up at The Blue Door by Arnold Hall. Their hope was simple, to get the word out about college ministries in the area for those interested or searching for a church body. In case you missed it, here are those ministries.
Bull Street Baptist Church | The Porch
The Porch is the college ministry for students aged 18 to 25 at Bull Street Baptist Church.
Tim Kurtz | tim@bullstreet.org
Paige Westberg | paige@bullstreet.org
theporchsav.org | @theporchsav
17 E 31st Street
Christ Church Anglican
Christ Church Anglican is also on Bull Street and frequently hosts Sunday night Gregorian Chants.
Joe Gasbarre | jgasbarre@ccasav.org
Ccasav.org | @savcca
2020 Bull Street
City Church
City Church promotes a friendly atmosphere, heartfelt worship and encouraging teaching, all in the favor of promoting community.
Dylan Puckett | dylan@citychurch.life
Citychurch.life | @citychurch.life
1624 E 38th Street
Community Bible Church
Community Bible Church of Savannah is a nondenominational Christian church that focuses on glorifying God by equipping people to follow Christ through community and the Bible.
Klint Ware | kware@cbcsavannah.com
Cbcsavannah.com | @cbccollege
1112 E 69th Street
Independent Presbyterian Church
Independent Presbyterian Church includes something for all ages, and encourages classes that foster fellowship with same aged peers.
Evan Gear | evanjgear@gmail.com
Ipcsav.org | @ipcsavcollege
207 Bull Street
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
RUF is a nondenominational student ministry directly affiliated with SCAD.
Martin Antoon | martin.antoon@ruf.org
Thrive Express Savannah
Thrive Express Savannah is an alternative clinic to Planned Parenthood.
5302 Frederick Street Suite 107
YoungLife is a nondenominational ministry unaffiliated with any church that equips college students to disciple local high school students here in Savannah.
Shannon Tetley
savannah.younglife.org | @younglifesav
Olivia Greubel is a Copy Editor for District. She’s a senior writing major who will graduate in 2019.