Ampersand to host BSA poetry night
Photo courtesy of SCAD BSA
Written by Jazmin Unruh
Students, graduates and other local artists will show their inner expressive selves at “A Night of Poetry and Music,” run by the SCAD Black Student Association, and held at Ampersand in downtown Savannah. This is the eighth poetry night held in Savannah by the BSA since Jamal Miller, former president and fourth-year sequential art major from Grayson, Georgia, held the first event.
Julian Rutledge — BSA president and second-year animation major from Dallas, Texas — is keeping the tradition going and had some things to say about the upcoming event.
“I’m just making sure everything goes well, every performer is getting the proper love and respect and that everyone is having a great time coming together,” Rutledge said. “That’s the reason for BSA’s ‘A Night of Poetry and Music.’ It’s a platform for people to express themselves, performers to share their art and soul; and everyone to come together under one roof, on a common ground and to be inspired by one another.”
Any form of self expression through art is accepted. Singers, rappers, instrumentalists, poets and anyone with love in their soul is welcome to join in; as long as the medium is clean and respectful. This quarter’s theme is “Universal Love,” a convenient subject for its show date: the day before Valentine’s Day.
Anybody can sign up to perform for any of the BSA’s poetry nights, and newcomers are always accepted with respect and appreciation. As for who will be performing — veterans and first-time performers alike — is being kept quiet.
“You’ll have to come and find out,” Rutledge said. “That’s the beauty about it. However I will say this, no one is ever excluded from performing; unless the list gets full.”
The event will take place on Friday, Feb. 13, from 7:00-9:30 p.m.
Ampersand is located on 36 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.