Written by Ally Miller-Henson. Illustration by Alexia Baptiste.
Welcome to District’s new contributor column, “Astrology is Easy!” Astrology unites the human race by explaining our individualities and can give us insight into our behaviors, faults and strengths. I recognize that understanding how astrology impacts you beyond your sun sign can be daunting, so I’m going to kick off this series by explaining the different influences in your natal chart and day-to-day life.
There are twelve total zodiac signs in direct correlation to the constellations surrounding the earth. Each sign has distinct energies that define them which will manifest within you differently depending on which planets are in those constellations during your birth. There are ten planets that correspond to your birth chart. Each planet has distinct themes that define them which also will manifest differently depending on which constellations they are within during your birth. When someone says a planet is “in a constellation,” they are referring to which constellation that planet appears to be near in relation to the Earth. The wheel of one’s birth chart is divided into twelve equal sections, known as the houses. The houses represent where these individual energies (of the zodiac) and themes (of the planets) manifest in your life.
The moon functions on a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth, with its notable points being the New and Full moons. The moon is distinctly different from other planets due to this cycle, as it can change daily energy. A new moon is the time to make note of your needs and wants, set intentions and manifest. A full moon, on the other hand, is the time to observe the growth created by your new moon intentions and let go of what no longer serves you. Each phase of the moon in between these two has its own representation in this cycle.
Smaller details of the daily astrological chart include things like eclipses, meteors and asteroids. Like the planets, asteroids have distinct themes that are impacted by the constellation they are near. Meteor showers, on the other hand, will influence quick bursts of new understanding regarding whichever constellation they appear within. While solar eclipses influence transformation and new beginnings, lunar eclipses inspire a time for self-reflection and acceptance of your flaws to open up an opportunity for growth.
Lastly, there are three common terms you may notice when looking into astrology: conjunctions, oppositions and retrogrades. A conjunction occurs when planets appear within the sign, and even within the same degree. Conjunctions blend the planetary themes, working as one entity. An opposition, on the other hand, occurs when planets occupy signs opposite of each other in relation to the Earth. This results in a seesaw of celestial energies, which can be disorienting, but also allows for the best of both planets to manifest. A retrograde is when a planet suddenly appears to spin in reverse, which is a result of an optical illusion due to the earth’s position in relation to this planet. You’ve probably heard of the dreadful “mercury in retrograde,” which has given retrogrades a bad rap. When a planet is in retrograde, it’s not all bad. It opens the door for us to work on ourselves and go with the flow.
Now with a better understanding of these terms, astrology can become much more manageable. Through this column, we hope to give students a better understanding of themselves and have a little fun while doing it. Check in next week for the next article.