Breakfast at Sophie’s: introduction to mug cakes

by Sophie Leopold

As an avid baker, an oven-less existence was my biggest adjustment to dorm life. Fortunately, microwaved mug cakes are here to ease the cravings for homemade baked goods. Although a quick Pinterest query reveals endless mug cake possibilities, these can yield varying results. That’s where this Two Minute Banana Bread, developed by Eating Evolved Chocolate, simplifies the internet recipe roulette.

I’ve achieved success with the following method several times; just one of the reasons it’s become a breakfast regular. It’s made with wholesome ingredients and sweetened by fruit, so it doesn’t leave me in a sugar slump like most morning pastries. If coconut flour seems like a random purchase, hear me out. It’s actually more cost effective in comparison to other all-purpose flour alternatives. Since each serving is only two tablespoons, a one pound bag yields over thirty mug cakes. Coconut flour, along with the other dry ingredients, can be found at the CVS on Broughton.

Try making the banana bread once as written, then feel free to adjust it to your taste. The spices add great flavor, but it’s okay to omit or reduce the amounts if you prefer. Experiment with the optional mix-ins or leave it plain. A drizzle of peanut butter on the banana bread after cooking is my favorite way to take this over the top.

1 ripe banana mashed with the back of a fork
1 tsp cinnamon
1 ½ tsp ginger
½ tsp nutmeg
1 egg (for a vegan option, just leave the egg out, it will bake just fine, only with a bit of a different consistency)
Scant 1/8 tsp/pinch of baking powder
Scant 1/8 tsp/pinch of baking soda
1 tbsp melted coconut oil (butter is also good here)
2 tbsp coconut flour
Optional: ¼ cup chopped dark chocolate/dark chocolate chips, 2 tbsp walnut pieces, or 1 tbsp raisins

Now mix all the ingredients together in a large microwave safe mug and cook in the microwave for two minutes. All microwaves are different, if your cake is still gooey in the middle, put it back in at 30 second intervals until it is baked through. Either eat straight from the mug or turn over onto a plate and cut up to share with others.

Recipe by Two Minute Banana Bread from Eating Evolved.