Bryanboy gives fashion students a blogger’s perspective

Fashion blogging has become a worldwide phenomenon and on May 17 blogging sensation Bryanboy visited to talk to fashion students in honor of the university’s annual event, the SCAD Fashion Show.

Waiting in the top room of Eckburg Hall, people excitedly gathered for the famous blogger’s arrival. And when he came, he didn’t disappoint. Bryanboy entered the room alongside Dean Michael Fink with his signature smug expression blinded by trendy, oversized sunglasses. Once he sat down and unveiled his glowing eyes and smile, there came the instant sense of familiarity and loyalty that he gained from his followers after all these years.DSC_1896-e1368989041398

Beginning his blogging career (and freelance web designing) back in 2004, Bryanboy explained that his blog was initially set to be a lifestyle blog, one that documented his travel ventures and life, with an emphasis on fashion.

“The main emphasis is travel and fashion, I blog about my life,” said Bryanboy.

He also talked about his interest in fashion and why he blogs about clothing. “Clothes can improve someone’s life … you can wear whatever you want to express yourself.”

Fink also asked the fashion guru about his current likes in the fashion industry. When asked what his favorite accessory is right now, Bryanboy keenly replied, “Shoes!” He discussed his love for slippers, embellished flats, and how he “wore high heels for a whole year.”

Then when asked what he never wants to see again, his response may have surprised a few people: “Nothing. Fashion is always evolving.”

Not only is Bryanboy a global fashion blogger, he’s also built up quite a business resume since breaking out as an Internet sensation, recently launching a luxury fur camera strap line for Adrienne Landau sold at high-end retailers such as Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman.

Although it all doesn’t come so easily. He emphasized that in order to be a good blogger, one must stand out, that there is so much more to fashion blogging than snapping a photo of someone wearing a cute outfit on the street. It needs to have substance and creativity. This is all advice that anyone should take notes on if they want to be the next Bryanboy — he’s obviously a good example to lead by.

“I think it’s important to make it not just a regular fashion blog. The blogs I find interesting are ones that are able to take you places; that have a context. It’s really important to have your own identity.”