Catch ‘The Buzz’ at Hamilton Hall

Written by Lucy Artigas Viramontt 

The cast and crew of SCAD’s original sitcom “The Buzz,” is preparing to shoot their fourth episode with a live studio audience this weekend. Students are encouraged to come and be a part of the experience.

Chair of the Department of Performing Arts, Andra Reeve-Rabb, said television with a live audience is an incredible mixture of theater and film because the actors really feed off the laughs and energy of their audience. Reeve-Rabb was previously the head of casting for CBS and she cast “How I Meet Your Mother,” and “The Big Bang Theory.”

“The way we do it is exactly like is done in Hollywood,” Reeve-Rabb said. “It is a very special event. This is wonderful opportunity to see a multi-camera comedy shot live, like ‘Friends’ or ‘How I Met Your Mother.'”

SCAD is the only university with an ongoing multi-camera comedy series. According to Reeve-Rabb, the collaborative project brings together multiple departments such as Film and Television, Sound Design, Dramatic Writing, Preforming Arts and Production Design. The painting department even completed some pieces for the set. Reeve-Rabb said they also look forward to working with the visual effects department, and that everyone, no matter their major, is welcome to volunteer for the backstage crew.

The first episode of “The Buzz” started production last winter. The idea began with a competition where anyone could pitch their idea for a sitcom. The only parameter was that the action had to occur in a coffee house with a cast of young actors. Now on its fourth episode, the series is in the process of evolving into a new concept.  

Reeve-Rabb said that the fourth episode is the last one in the coffee shop, and the next episode will be shot on a new set. The next episode will continue with the same characters and also introduce all new ones in a different setting. 

“The Buzz” will be shooting this weekend at Hamilton Hall: 

  • Friday, March 3, 7:00 p.m. 
  • Saturday, March 4, 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 4, 8:00 p.m.

Admission is free for SCAD Card holders, but seating is limited. Students and guests should RSVP at to reserve their seat.