If our campus were a Monopoly board, Arnold Hall would be located on the same block as Marvin Gardens and Park Place.
Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., the blocks surrounding the foundations and liberal arts hub represent some of the most costly and competitive parking real estate in town.
But the competition isn’t solely for students.
Residents, library-goers and patrons of shops lining the Bull Street thoroughfare also vie for these prime vacancies throughout the day. With so many agendas and so few parking spaces, it was only a matter of time before the parking problem came to a head.
In a previous District report, changes recommended by the Thomas Square Project Advisory Committee were illustrated, stating that the deadline for the Savannah City Council’s decision was set for the afternoon of Sept. 6. However, council and the PAC recommended tabling the decision until Sept. 20 when the committee could have a chance to present their recommendations to council.
At 2 p.m. tomorrow, the city council will reconvene and the PAC will do just that.
Students are able to attend the meeting at Savannah City Hall and express their opinions on the parking situation. As with any public forum, individuals are encouraged by the city to attend and discuss these issues.
WHO: Any affected party.
WHAT: Savannah City Council Meeting
WHEN: Sept. 20, 2012 at 2 p.m.
WHERE: Savannah City Hall, 2 E. Bay St.
WHY: Parking recommendations affecting student and faculty parking at Arnold Hall.