By Kakky Dye
Supporter’s gathered in Forsyth Park on March 4 to spread word of Ron Paul, candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. This political fan group organizes on Facebook. They gathered with free food, Ron Paul stickers and posters.
Rachel Suther, the CEO of a local business and leader of Chatham County for Ron Paul, believes that government is pushing away small businesses and that “Ron Paul’s the only one who understands that small businesses run this country.” Paul served as a gynecologist for 20 years, which Suthers believes makes him “an experienced business owner.”
Chatham County for Ron Paul had about 70 people show up at Forsyth to show their support for the presidential candidate.
After the results of the Super Tuesday primaries were reported, Paul received 6.6% of the vote in Georgia.
Gingrich won the state with 47.2% of the vote. Paul did not win the primaries of any of the states that participated in Super Tuesday.