By: Kai Saunders

If there is one thing I learned my first year here at SCAD, it’s that the concept of “Freshman 15” is not something to be taken lightly. I am in awe of those who can fit in classes and perhaps a part-time job along with college dining and party weekends, while still managing to maintain a healthy body. It is probably one of the most important things we can ever do for ourselves, and luckily we have a campus that gives us the opportunity to do so. Club SCAD, the main gym (behind O-house) has enough equipment to keep us all happy. There are plenty of treadmills, weight machines, and free weights to go around, but I suggest you avoid going when it’s packed; usually between the hours of 5-8 p.m. during the week, or anytime early afternoon on the weekends.

If you can manage to add classes to your already full quarter, Club SCAD offers a spread of workout classes, spanning from Fat Burning Yoga/Pilates to Body Sculpting (tough – yes, but yields great results). The trainers will help you with whatever fitness needs you have, and other students are always willing to help you with a spot or whatever else you may need. I know some people are intimidated by the idea of going to a gym, or may even just think it’s stupid, but to be honest, no one there is going to bother you or make fun of you for being there. So really, none of us should have any excuses about fitness, even though I know everyone wants to blame it on Café SCAD.

For more information about Club SCAD or fitness classes, e-mail or call (912) 525-6001.