College Security Report: March 3-10, 2009

March 3

2:10 p.m.— Security responded to a motor vehicle accident at Eichberg Hall. Savannah-Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

10:10 p.m.— A security officer investigated a noise that he heard in the admissions office of Poetter Hall and observed an individual with dark pants and a black hooded sweatshirt in the area. A laptop and a phone earpiece were discovered in the area. A supervisor responded to the scene and a search of the building was conducted, but the individual was not found.

March 4

4:16 p.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that her bike had been stolen from the bike rack at Arnold Hall. She stated that she had locked the bike to the Arnold Hall bike rack on the 35th Street side of the building at 2 p.m. and that the bike was missing when she returned to the rack at 4:16 p.m. The bike was not registered with SCAD security. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

March 5

10:10 a.m.— A SCAD building manager reported to security that a clock was missing from the hallway near the bulletin board next to her office in Morris Hall. The building manager stated that she had last seen the clock at 5 p.m. March 4, and she noticed the clock was missing when she returned to work at 8:55 a.m. March 5. She did not wish to file a police report.

2:15 p.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that someone had stolen her bike from a bike rack between Barnard and Harris streets. She stated that she had locked the bike at midnight on March 3 and that she noticed it missing on the afternoon of March 5. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to dispatch and issued a report.

3:32 p.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that she was being stalked by another SCAD student and want the police to be called so that she could do a report. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to dispatch and issued a report. The on-call manager was notified of the situation, and a police report was filed.

7:20 p.m.— Security discovered a side door to Fahm Hall was unsecured. Security conducted a patrol of the area and secured the door.

7:34 p.m.— Security responded to a medical call at Gulfstream Center. A monitor stated that a student had approached her after injuring his fingers on site. The monitor was unable to locate the student after she contacted security. The monitor was later able to get the student’s information from other students on the scene and a call was place to the on-call manager to inform him of the situation. The manager was able to contact the student on his cell phone. The manager then called security and stated that no further action was necessary.

7:45 p.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that someone had stolen her bike from where it was locked at Boundary Hall. She stated that she had locked the bike to a handicapped post earlier in the evening and that she noticed it missing when she returned after class. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

7:55 p.m.— An unidentified faculty member entered the Gulfstream Center with a dog. Security informed her of the no dog policy and the staff member stated that she was called into work and walked past the officers into the building with the dog. The faculty member declined to identify herself when security requested her name.

11:07 p.m.— Security responded to a call from Turner House regarding a disoriented student. The operations manager responded to the scene and met with a cab driver who stated that he had a disoriented and possibly intoxicated student in the back of his cab and that he needed assistance getting her to where she belonged. Initially the student could not give the operations manager any information and could not remember where she lived or who she was. The resident director was notified and after arriving on scene was able to identify the student. The resident director stated that she would handle the incident and make sure the student got to her dorm.

March 6

1:35 a.m.— Security discovered the front door to Red Gallery was unsecured. Security conducted a patrol of the building and secured the door.

4:20 a.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that a man had stolen a Visa credit card and his cell phone from his residence at Westin House. He stated that the unidentified man had been a guest of his, but that he did not know the man’s name and could not give a description. After giving the information to security, he became agitated and abusive towards security and stated that he wanted to just forget the whole thing. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene, but he declined to make a report.

7:04 a.m.— A SCAD staff member reported to security that someone had pulled one of the plants out of the flowerpots in front of Keys Hall. Security took pictures of the incident.

10:30 a.m.— Security was notified of a motor vehicle accident involving a SCAD student and a non-SCAD individual at Anderson and Montgomery streets. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

3:26 p.m.— Security responded to a fire alarm activation at Turner House. Security determined that the alarm was caused by an HVAC tech accidentally triggering the alarm.

March 7

2:08 a.m.— Security responded to call box alarm activation at Eckburg Hall. Security patrolled the area, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

2:47 a.m.— Security observed a SCAD student riding a skateboard-style scooter inside the Gulfstream Center. When security requested that he refrain from riding the scooter inside, he started using profane language and became belligerent with the security officer.

2:58 a.m.— Security observed two female SCAD students carrying a road sign onto the Westin/Dyson complex property. Security was able to identify one of the individuals as a SCAD student. When asked about the road sign, she refused to give the name of the other female or the location of the sign.

9:26 a.m.— Security discovered the front door to the Streamliner Diner was unsecured. Security patrolled the building and secured the door.

10:10 p.m.— Security discovered the side door of Café SCAD was unsecured and propped open. A patrol of the premises was conducted and it was determined that an employee was working late.

March 8

10:25 a.m.— A SCAD student informed security that there were two males in the Oglethorpe House parking lot trying to steal bicycles. A security officer immediately checked the bike rack at Oglethorpe House and observed two males between the ages of 16 and 19 attempting to steal two bikes. The individuals ran from the scene, taking one bicycle, when they noticed security. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

1:15 p.m.— Security responded to a small brush fire outside the gate at building 4000 of Boundary Village. A security officer was able to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. The Savannah Fire Department responded to the area and checked the scene. No cause could be determined.

1:25 p.m.— Security requested to see a student ID from a SCAD student at Jen Library. He shoved his ID into the security officer’s face in a threatening manner, making contact with the security officer’s nose.

5:30 p.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that someone had stolen her bike from the bike rack at Keys Hall. She stated that she had locked the bike to the bike rack at noon on March 8 and noticed that the bike was gone when she returned at 5:30 p.m. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

8:10 p.m.— A SCAD student notified security that her phone was missing from the Print Shop of Alexander Hall. She stated that she had left her phone at her work station at 12:01 a.m. March 7 and that she noticed it missing when she returned. She asked around to see if anyone had seen the phone and then decided to report it missing at 8:10 p.m. March 8.

March 9

Noon— Security responded to a medical at Arnold Hall. A SCAD student stated that she had just had a seizure. EMS responded to the scene, but the student declined to be transported.

12:25 p.m.— Security responded to an off-campus vehicle accident involving an American Coach Line vehicle. The driver stated that she had hit some branches while backing up the bus. An American Coach Line supervisor responded to the scene and took pictures. No injuries were reported and there were no students on the bus at the time of the accident.

1 p.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that someone had stolen her bike from the bike rack at Oglethorpe House. She stated that she had locked the bike to the rack at 3 p.m. March 4, and that the bike was missing when she returned on March 9. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report.

4:15 p.m.— The Snack Shop supervisor reported to security that she and a Snack Shop manager had found a bag of what appeared to be marijuana outside Turner Express. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and took possession of the bag.

March 10

12:45 a.m.— A SCAD student reported to the security officer at Gordon Hall that she had noticed that a friend’s vehicle had been tampered with. The operations manager and the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene. She stated that a GPS navigation system valued at $300 was missing from the vehicle. There were no signs of forced entry to the vehicle. The police issued a report.

1:09 a.m.— A SCAD student reported to security that, while she was checking her vehicle after learning of the earlier theft in Gordon Hall’s parking lot, she noticed that a roll of quarters and $3 were missing from her vehicle. Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to the scene and issued a report. There were no signs of forced entry to the vehicle.

7:30 a.m.— Security responded to a fire alarm activation at Physical Resources. Savannah Fire Department responded to the scene and determined that the alarm was false. Security silenced and reset the system.

11 a.m.— An American Coach Line bus driver reported to security that something had shattered the side window of the bus as she was driving on West Boundary Street and Louisville Road. Upon investigation it was determined that the object was accidentally thrown towards the bus by a Weed Eater being operated by a SCAD landscape employee who was cutting the grass.

8:30 p.m.— An unknown student attempted to gain entry to Anderson Hall without having a student ID. When security informed the student that he would not be allowed to enter the facility without ID, the student kicked the front door causing damage to the door hinge. A maintenance call has been placed to have the hinge repaired.