College Security Report Oct. 3-9, 2011

October 3

1:10 a.m. — A resident director requested security response at a room of Turner House regarding the smell of marijuana. Security and the RD contacted the occupants of the room who stated that they did not have any marijuana on site and nothing was found in the room.

10:40 a.m. — Security responded to a vehicle accident involving a delivery driver and a student’s parked car. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and issued a crime report.

8:45 p.m. — A student reported to security that his Blackberry cell phone and laptop had been taken from his room. The student stated that he purposely left his door propped open when he left his dorm around 8:45 p.m. He noticed the items missing when he returned at 10 p.m. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and issued a crime report.

11:09 — Security responded to an alarm at Lai Wa Hall. Security met the Savannah Fire Department at the scene where it was determined that the alarm was a false alarm. There were no signs of smoke or fire.

October 4

11:25 a.m. — Security responded to an alarm activation at a room of Abercorn Terrace. A student cooking in the dorm was determined to have caused the alarm.

1:48 p.m. — Security responded to a room of Weston House for a drug policy violation. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and issued a crime report. The marijuana was confiscated and removed from the dorm but no arrests were made.

4:40 p.m. — Security observed a homeless person panhandling for money near Alexander Hall. The individual departed when he saw security.

October 5

5:15 p.m. — A student reported to security that she was being harassed by a fellow student. Security referred the incident to the resident director.

October 6

10:43 p.m. — Security responded to a medical incident at Turner Annex involving a student that fell and injured his hand. EMS responded and transported the student to Memorial University Medical Center.

11:30 p.m. — Security observed a man masturbating while watching the security officer doing her rounds. The same man was observed doing the same thing at Wallin hall earlier in the evening. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police was notified, but the individual left before police arrived.

October 7

12:12 a.m. — Security responded to Turner House regarding a drug policy violation. The resident adviser smelled marijuana coming from a room. The students occupying the room admitted to having marijuana and alcohol. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene, but did not issue a crime report.

1:15 a.m. — Security responded to a medical call at a room of Dyson House in reference to a student that fell and bruised her forehead. EMS responded to the scene and provided first aid to the student. The student was not transported.

8:36 p.m. — Security responded to a “trouble” alarm at a room of Boundary Village. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm and was reset.

October 8

12:02 a.m. — Security observed a man masturbating while watching the security officer doing her rounds. The same man was observed doing the same thing at Wallin hall earlier in the evening. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police was notified, but the individual left before police arrived.

12:40 a.m. — Security responded to a medical call involving a student that was not feeling well. The student decided that she did not need EMS, but just wanted to go to sleep.

12:49 a.m. — Security responded to a pull station activation at Barnard Village. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm and was reset.

1:29 a.m. — Security discovered a homeless person sleeping in the bushes at Bradley Hall. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and removed the man from the premises.

2:24 a.m. — Security responded to an off-campus vehicle accident on I-16. No injuries were reported and the two students involved were given rides to their dorms.

October 9

No Activity to Report