Crystal Castles keeps fans waiting for “III”


By Raine Blunk

Crystal Castles’ newest album “III” was set to release today. Unfortunately, the duo pushed back the debut to Nov. 12 for unknown reasons. Alice Glass and Ethan Kath have currently been touring the States and Europe, including a stop at the Counterpoint Music Festival in Atlanta, GA in September.

Kath, the group’s main songwriter and musician, produced the entire album himself after recording in Warsaw, Poland. Kath opted to tape everything directly for “III” rather than using their usual keyboards and synths.

Since the electro-pop group uploaded the “III” track listing on Oct. 9, they have released three singles on their SoundCloud page, including “Plague,” “Wrath of God,” and “Affection.”

SPIN Magazine also released an HD video of the group last month performing another single,“Telepath,” live in Denver. The single, SPIN commented, is missing Glass’s “ever-piercing banshee wails on vocals,” making the instrumental “comparatively blissed out” in comparison to their usual “dark” style.

Despite the album’s delayed release, the group has just posted the preorder links on their Facebook page as well as the dates for their 2013 tour of Europe.

From the tracks released so far, it seems that Crystal Castles is toning down their full-force rave beats to capture a dreamier, trance-like sound.  Hopefully fans can hold out another week to get the full effect of “III.”