Digital Detox for College Students

Digital Detox for College Students: What, Why, and How?

Written by Julia Gralki. Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock.

Do you often find yourself spending more time on your phone than you want to? You’re not alone. Social media is becoming more addictive, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to break away from the tight grip of the digital world. A digital detox is all about reducing the time you spend on your phone.

Why take a digital detox?

Digital communication and social media are sources of dopamine flooding, which means they can quickly become addictive. This can negatively affect relationships and social life, as well as work and academics. Social media addiction can also be harmful to mental health.

Why should you take a break from technology? Do you feel exhausted from constantly checking your emails or messages? Do spend too much time on your phone before bedtime and stay up longer than intended? Or do you find yourself in a constant state of comparison with others? If you answered any of these questions with “yes,” it might be a good time to take a digital detox.

Here’s what a digital detox can do for you:

  • Increased mindfulness: Time will slow down and life will feel more intense.
  • Less FOMO: You’re living life in the present moment instead of through the screen.
  • Improved learning capabilities and memory: Your memories will intensify, and it will be easier to retain information.

How to do a digital detox

The duration of a digital detox is up to you. If you just want to recharge after a stressful midterms or finals week or if you feel that your brain is overloaded with information, consider a weekend-long detox to clear your mind. This will give you time to catch up on important tasks you’ve been putting off and spend more time with friends or just with yourself. If you want to build a habit of using your phone less, consider taking a longer detox of 21 days.

It’s important to note that a digital detox doesn’t mean you can’t use your phone at all. A digital detox is all about spending less time in the digital world and more in the real world.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Turn off notifications: During focus times, turn off some or all of your notifications to avoid distractions. You can also put your iPhone on “sleep mode” or “do not disturb.”
  • Fight boredom with alternative activities: Make a list of things you’ll get done once you start the digital detox. Imagine how different your life will be when you turn off your phone. Spend more time with your friends, journal your thoughts, meditate, or exercise outdoors.
  • Use an alarm clock: Buy an analog alarm clock to avoid spending time on your phone before bedtime.
  • Set up no-phone zones: Whether it’s the bedroom, kitchen, or living room, create phone-free zones to maximize the time you spend with your roommates or with yourself. Just leave your phone outside the door – out of sight, out of mind.
  • Track your screen time: This will help you understand how much time you spend using your phone or certain applications. Seeing the data behind your habits will help you change them.