By Augusta Statz
I recently read an article in Maire Claire titled “What Does Your Hair Color Say About You?” It made me ask myself what does my never-been-dyed, natural hair color say about me?
The article mentioned that hair color reflects personality, and there is a lot to be said about a person based on their hair color. You can tell personality traits about a person by simply looking at their hair color? I don’t think so. Only snap judgments can be made about a person’s hair color.
Unfortunately, it is human nature to make snap judgments about people. We are all guilty of it. People make snap judgments about people’s outfits, shoes, the way they carry themselves and the list goes on and on.
Do any of the things that we judge give us deep insight into a person? The answer is no.
So back to my question: What does my hair color say about me? The conclusion I came to: I don’t care. I feel that this is a good attitude to have because I am not concerned with what other people think.
No matter your hair color, the judging doesn’t stop there. Once people scan you with their eyes, making it past hair color, they judge your clothes, your accessories and your shoes. You will always be judged.
Bottom line, choose a hair color that you like. Yes, perhaps it will say something about you. But, will it say a lot about your personality or will it speak volumes about the person who took time out of their day to judge you?
Snap judgments will always be made, but I do not think that it should affect the things people do, even to their hair color.