Earth Day: the best ways to stay green?

By Augusta Statz
As you might imagine, with April 22 being Earth Day there are lots of news stories about healthy habits and ways to save the planet. One article that caught my attention on Yahoo was titled, “Five things that aren’t going to save the planet.”

I noticed that the article did make some valid points, but it also made some points that I didn’t necessarily agree with. The five things that the article mentions you shouldn’t do when trying to leave a greener footprint:

1. Always buying organic.

I think that buying organic does make a difference. The article agreed that buying organic is good, but suggests that just wasting less food is better for the Earth. Why not do both? Can we not buy organic and still not waste food?

2. Unplugging your electronics.

I admit, it is hard for me to remember to unplug things when they aren’t in use, like cell phone chargers or printers. But, I believe that this is something we should all try to do. The article instead suggested being more energy efficient by washing with cold water, using less light, etc. Again, why can’t we do both? It is possible to unplug electronics, although it is a pain to remember, but it is not a waste like the article suggests.

3. Buying green products.

The article suggests not buying green, just buying less. Well of course, buying sustainable products will keep you from having less junk that you throw out, but why is buying recycled or eco-friendly products a bad thing? I wouldn’t agree that this doesn’t help the planet.

4. Switching to cloth diapers.

The article says there are other alternatives to cloth diapers, like organic cotton cloth diapers. But, what about the way these diapers are packaged? Are these diapers not packaged in plastic like the others? The article also says that there are more important things to focus on other than the type of diapers you are using. However, I think any bit helps.

5. Buying a hybrid.

The article states, “The best thing you can do to help the planet is drive less.” While I agree, it is not completely realistic to think that one could bike or walk everywhere all the time. So, if you do need to use a car to get around at some point —why not have it be one that is less harmful to the environment?

In my opinion, there is no effort to save the planet that is done in vain. Despite what that article says, every little bit counts. If we all pitch in, we can achieve a greener planet. There is no right way to stay green, and no way is better than another.