eLearning Letters: Staying Connected
By Chelsea Madden
eLearners, ever have that FOMO feeling?
Many of us work long days, take care of our families and, in the middle of it all, we have coursework, readings, papers and projects to complete for our SCAD eLearning classes. I’ll admit it, some days I am just trying to survive the madness and avoid added stress. However, on other occasions, I feel like I’m missing out on something. Years from now, I want to look back and know that I fully experienced life as a SCAD Bee.
I am no expert on this subject. I’ve only been a bee for two quarters, but I have learned so much – and of course, there is still so much more to learn. Below are just a few ways to stay connected as an eLearning student – given that you have room to pencil it in your packed schedule.
Get Involved
There are countless clubs and organizations at your fingertips. Sure, some of them may require you to be present at meetings, but technology makes that an easy obstacle to overcome. If you are really interested, nothing should stop you. Ask if you can be video-conferenced into the meeting using Facetime or Skype.

Find something on campus that you are interested in so that you can interact with others that share your passions and beliefs. This is also a great way to feel included in the campus-life. Get involved today – click here for more information about student involvement at SCAD.
Stay Social
For starters, follow/like the SCAD eLearning social media pages:
– Instagram: @scadelearning
– Facebook: SCAD Elearning
These pages will keep you updated on all buzzworthy (pun-intended) news and special events – an added bonus is expert advice and a sneak peek of student work.
After you do this, feel free to look at your class roster on Blackboard and see if your fellow bees are on social media. Chat it up and see if you have common interests outside of class.
Pay Attention to Blogs & Discussion Posts

At the beginning of each quarter, professors usually ask eLearning students to introduce themselves by posting in a blog or discussion forum on Blackboard. At first, I wondered what the point was, but then, as I scrolled through others’ posts, I noticed just how amazing SCAD eLearning students are. Students from all over the world with various backgrounds, experiences and careers want to be a bee, just like you and me. Just by reading a few blog posts, I realized how different we are, but that we share one common goal. It is so neat to read about others and hear what they have to say, so don’t miss the opportunity to get to know each other through these simple posts.
Staying connected is tough, but don’t forget that it is a two-way street. Try adding it to your to-do list – I guarantee you’ll be glad you did.