‘Euphoria’: How raw is too raw?
Written by Emma Pilger. Photo courtesy of Tunefind.
HBO’s hit series ‘Euphoria’ has swept the globe, becoming wildly popular among teens and young adults. With artful cinematography and lighting, the show displays the struggles of modern teenage life through a cast of characters that each deal with a list of problems. Some of the major themes include drug addiction, sex addiction, emotional abuse and broken families. The show does not hold back, using explicit nudity, language and imagery to enforce the heaviness of the themes. For this reason, the show has faced its fair share of controversy due to its young audience.
One of the major arguments surrounding the show is the glamorization of drug use and mental illness. Despite the fact that the show is intended for audiences 17 years or older, many teenagers who are 16 or younger watch ‘Euphoria’ religiously. Because of the artistic lighting and glamorous, sparkly makeup featured while drugs are on screen, young viewers may relate doing hard drugs or having a mental illness to an enchanting life. Parents and other adults fear that ‘Euphoria’ may entice young viewers to indulge in a similar lifestyle as the characters in the show. For this reason, the show has received backlash. D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) recently told NBC News, “Rather than further each parent’s desire to keep their children safe from the potentially horrific consequences of drug abuse and other high-risk behavior, HBO’s television drama, ‘Euphoria’, chooses to misguidedly glorify and erroneously depict high school student drug use, addiction, anonymous sex, violence and other destructive behaviors as common and widespread in today’s world.” Many people tend to agree with this statement, claiming that the show is harmful to teens for these reasons.
On the other hand, viewers also claim that the show places a spotlight on the realities of modern teenage life. The show is a piece of media that can be relatable to teens who deal with similar issues and may serve as a beacon of hope. When speaking to Entertainment Weekly, lead star, Zendaya, stated, “Our show is in no way a moral tale to teach people how to live their life or what they should be doing. If anything, the feeling behind ‘Euphoria,’ or whatever we have always been trying to do with it, is to hopefully help people feel a little bit less alone in their experience and their pain.”
There is no one answer to this dilemma. The reality is, viewers will interpret the show in different ways and there is nothing that will control that. Unfortunately, that may include young teens believing that drugs, alcohol and sex are glamorous and “cool”. Additionally, parental guidance should also be considered. If a child is interested in watching ‘Euphoria’, it is crucial for a parent or guardian to be aware of the content of the show. Parental guidance may be the best solution to this difficult question.
Emma Pilger is a copy editor and columnist at District who prioritizes high quality writing and strong personal voice. She is passionate about writing, food, and community. Her column, District Dish, highlights some of Savannah’s best food as well as cooking advice geared towards college students.