Fall crime highlights: Turner House and bike thefts
Photo by Katherine Rountree
With the end of the quarter past us, it’s time to get caught up on the security reports for October and November, and to reflect on crime for fall quarter as a whole. Hints for what’s to come: stolen property, substances on campus, freshman residence halls.
Drugs and liquor are just as popular as ever in the residence halls. There were three drugs busts – one at D at the Hive and two at Turner – and four liquor violations – one at Turner, two at D at the Hive and one at the Terrace.
Liquor law violations tied for first place with theft, which occurred all over the campus: two at Jen Library and one each at Haymans, Arnold and Pepe Halls. Turner Hall also turned in a weapon law violation, as it often does.
In all, there were 13 crimes reported in October. Turner wins the security logs race once again, with five violations total.
There have been two crimes reported in November so far: a theft at Norris Hall and a drug law violation at Abercorn Terrace, the first of those at that residential hall since May. A pretty tame month, all things considered – perhaps everyone was too busy with finals to get up to much tomfoolery.
In all, there were 27 crimes reported during the fall quarter, starting with a drug law violation at Turner on Sept. 15, the very first day of classes. The Terrace’s drug law violation was the last on Nov. 15. Nice symmetry. The most common crime was theft, with 10 reported. Liquor law violation was the runner-up with seven reported and drug law violation was on its heels with six. Filling out the rest of the slots were weapon law violations.
As far as locations go, Turner House was the overwhelming winner – 10 reported crimes occurred there. Other residential halls logged in the next most number of crimes, but they pale in comparison: three each for D at the Hive and the Terrace. Turner Annex and Pulaski House each had one crime reported, as well. The academic halls on the list – Hamilton, Gulfstream, Haymans, Arnold, Pepe, Norris and Jen Library – each only had one or two crimes reported. All of those were theft; presumably bike thefts, the old nemesis of SCAD students.
Stay safe over winter break. To help prevent any more bike thefts – we’ve had more than enough already – store your bikes inside, if possible. It’s too much to ask for anything to be safe on the street for more than a month. Make sure your cars, rooms, apartments or homes are all secure, too. If you’re traveling over the break, exercise caution and preparedness on your journey.
For more safety tips and to keep an eye on the security reports yourself, visit the SCAD Department Public Safety’s website.