Are you tired of all those romantic places, the kind that make you remember how much you love your partner? Isn’t it just disgusting, all this love? You’re looking for some adventure! Maybe an occasion to show your significant other how brave you are?
Worry no longer. Here are some great, unconventional places to spend Valentine’s Day with your boo.
Explore a famous haunted house.
Once upon an awful time, on 432 Abercorn St., there was a Civil War veteran who tied his daughter on a chair to punish her for hanging out with other kids. She died of a heat stroke—because no AC—and her father died naturally years later. They never left, hauntingly ever after.
Have a picnic in a Savannah cemetery.
Make a day – well, a night – of it in one of Savannah’s historic cemeteries. Stay close to downtown in Colonial Park Cemetery, or brave the trip to Bonaventure. A blanket, a basket full of PB and J sandwiches, a little bottle of wine, a ouija board and the night promises to be memorable.
Go see a movie!
The Lucas Theater is overrated. Heck, movies are overrated. What could be better than watching a romantic movie—on an iPad, or some other device—sitting in the remains of the East Side Theater at the corner of Broad and Gwinnett Streets, an emblematic (and decrepit) archeological testimony of segregation.
Okay, in all seriousness, the key to a good Valentine’s Day is to make things memorable.
But, here are some more normal romantic places around Savannah, if you’re worried about your date ghosting you.
Visit Skidaway Island Park.
Take a stroll into possibly the most clichéd but also beautiful landscape of Savannah. Have a picnic in the daylight (and not a graveyard) and be grateful for your loved one.
Share a milkshake.
Ice cream symbolizes love, friendship and happiness. There’s really nothing else to add. Celebrate your love by enjoying some of the best ice cream Savannah has to offer in the perfectly retro, romantic soda shoppe atmosphere of Leopold’s.
Go to the theater.
The Savannah Theatre Company is performing “Mamma Mia!” through Feb. 25, including an 8 p.m. showing on Valentine’s Day.
Take to the squares!
There are 22 squares in Savannah. If you’re truly committed, prepare a scavenger-hunt style stroll through the squares with each one holding a surprise. For example: Franklin Square, appetizer; Ellis Square, wine; Wright Square, more wine; Chippewa Square, dinner; and so on and so on. Could you reach up to 22 surprises? I believe in you.
Take a moonlight walk on Tybee Beach.
This one is perfect for the date who actually loves long walks on the beach. Grab a sweater and a telescope. If you don’t have one, don’t worry; the brightest star is walking right beside you.
And remember, Valentine’s Day is for every one; don’t forget to show your friends some love, too!
By Scarlett Ruggiero.
Scarlett is a writing major, wine lover and cheese enthusiast from Paris, France. When she isn’t busy writing, she likes to wander around District’s quarter in search of new articles to write.