First-year students swarm Savannah

By Tiffany Cullen

Every year, first-year students get together and learn about all of the SCAD facilities around Savannah.

Summer Swarm, open to 150 entering freshman students per session each year, gives students a chance to meet with and talk to several staff professionals including student success advisors, admissions counselors and bursar representatives. Advisors answer questions about financial aid, scholarships and class scheduling.

These sessions help students plan for and know what to expect fall quarter when classes begin. Students stay in the dorms and learn to use the SCAD transportation system. They can also register their vehicles and get their student identification pictures taken.

Summer Swarm is held five times throughout the summer every year as an orientation option for students to attend instead of the traditional fall orientation held at the beginning of fall quarter.

Summer Swarm 2009 dates:

• July 16-17
• July 20-21
• July 27-28
• July 30-31
• August 6-7

During the two days, students attend three sessions a day on topics relating to career services, parking and transportation, the bursar’s office and college security. Students also have the option of taking the math competency exam.

At smaller venues, counselors review student portfolios for scholarship possibilities. They learn about all of the recreational activities and clubs including sports, intramurals, student media and other college sponsored clubs.

Students are encouraged to bring only the essentials including casual clothing, comfortable shoes, toiletries, sleeping bag and swimsuits.

Counselors advise students not to bring items they plan on keeping in their dorms for fall quarter including electronics or valuables. The dorms assigned during Summer Swarm are not the dorms students will have during fall quarter.

For more information on Summer Swarm, visit