I had the pleasure of attending the thesis production, “Five Lesbians Eating A Quiche”—a comedic act of the most outstanding standards Friday night. Not only was it one of the most successful productions I have seen in the Mondanaro Theater here at SCAD, but also it was one of the most fun viewing experiences.
The experience started at the beginning—no, before the beginning of the show. My friends and I were all given name tags and welcomed into the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein’s annual Quiche Breakfast. I was transformed into “Vickie,” transported into 1956, and seated among the likes of “Jill,” “Anna,” and “Margery.” As the show began, audience members were immediately confronted and conversed with as if we really were members of this passive aggressive society, immersing me fully in the experience of this meeting.
The show itself was full of sexual innuendos, “eating quiches” being an obvious metaphor for the act of cunnigulus. These closeted lesbians spent the meeting throwing shade at other members, attempting to fondle each other and finally, after a very large bomb is dropped, seizing the moment and admitting to their same-sex desires (it was at this time that the audience was encouraged to come clean to themselves, to which “Jill” a skinny, speckled boy, stood up from the seats and declared that he was, in fact, a lesbian). My stomach hurt from laughing throughout the entire show.
Each actress stole the show in her own right, dividing the spotlight perfectly between the five protagonists. I came to love these characters and was able to anticipate what they would say next, feeling like I really did know these hilarious women personally. The actresses held nothing back, going one hundred and 10 percent with their acting the entire way. The audience could tell they were having a good time, which only helped us have a better time. And I think we all ended up having the best time.
The sets and costumes were fun, whimsical and playful, creating the perfect addition to each character’s personalities. The color choices set the tone for the show immediately and did the perfect job of setting the scene, time period and personality of the show. Lighting was impeccable, perfectly timed and perfectly chosen for the mood and the moments in the show.
“Five Lesbians Eating A Quiche” was one of the most playful, fun, and successful shows I have ever experienced here at the SCAD. I think it’s safe to say that all parties involved in this production are going to shine bright spotlights on the artistic community upon their graduations.