Fresh Advice: Registration
From a sophomore student looking back at his freshman year at SCAD comes Fresh Advice, the run down on all of the SCAD programs, operations and secret tricks you need to know to make a smooth transition to SCAD life.
Don’t get blind-sided by winter quarter class registration. Class registration can be a stressful situation, but planning your classes early can remove some of the challenges.
Registration times vary based on the number of credit hours you will have completed by the end of the current quarter and how you take your classes. Winter 2018 registration begins October 16.
- eLearning – Monday, Oct. 16.
- Graduate Students – Tuesday, Oct. 17.
- Seniors – Thursday, Oct. 19.
- Juniors – Monday, Oct. 23.
- Sophomores – Wednesday, Oct. 25.
- Freshmen – Friday, Oct. 27.
Registration tickets for Winter 2018 became available starting this week, under the registration status link in the MySCAD Student Workspace tab, where you can find all of your registration tools.
There are two options to figure out your course sequencing. You can schedule an appointment with your academic adviser through MySCAD under the student workspace where you can find the undergraduate advising section. Scheduling an appointment can be difficult on short notice, but on Fridays the advising office has open hours from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m., where you can meet with any available adviser to discuss your upcoming quarter.
The other option is to take advantage of your SCAD Pro Advisor, also found under the undergraduate advising section of Student Workspace. The Pro Advisor displays class times, prerequisites and a description of each course, making it a great first step to viewing classes.
Of course, when viewing classes, make sure the class is offered at the campus you’re attending. Sections that begin with numbers indicate the Savannah campus, an “A” means Atlanta, “H” means Hong Kong, “OL” means eLearning and “L” indicates classes offered at the Lacoste campus.
Once you’ve verified the campus, you can select your classes!
Now that you have finished your first quarter, and have the power of scheduling your own classes, you can take classes at whatever times you like. Early birds can take 8:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. classes, but night owl types might prefer 2:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. or even 8:00 p.m. classes. Choose a time that you will be awake for, and don’t forget to plan for travel time, as well.
Keep careful track of the the course numbers (CRN) of all the classes you want to take. As your registration date and time approach, make sure they all have available seats. Make many back-up schedules — freshman year, I made five different schedule options each quarter — without repeating CRNs, in case a class fills up before you can register. Courses like CMPA 100, CMPA 110, ARTH 110, DRAW 101, DSGN 101, DSGN 102, COMM 105 and BUSI 180 do fill very quickly for freshmen. Just be patient and have backups; when you give yourself multiple options, registration is a breeze.
Being ready and getting online as soon as possible will increase your odds of getting the classes you want. Wait listing is an option, but still isn’t a guarantee; continue looking for other classes you can potentially take.
Happy registration!
Written by Hunter Scully.