Fresh Advice: the Savannah Film Festival
Written by Hunter Scully and Tyler Rispoli
From an sophomore looking back at his freshman year at SCAD comes Fresh Advice, the run down on all of the SCAD programs, operations and secret tricks you need to know to make a smooth transition to SCAD life.
Now that it’s finally October, your favorite fall activities are right around the corner. For three seasons we’ve been anticipating Halloween, excessive pumpkin spice consumption and, of course, the annual SCAD Savannah Film Festival.
If you’re new to SCAD and overwhelmed by all of the film fest hype, never fear. Here’s your one-stop guide to getting tickets and passes, so that when the full schedule is released tomorrow, you’re ready to tackle the week.
This year, there are no “student passes” like last year. That was done in light of the timing of Hurricane Matthew, so this year, any students who wish to have a pass must purchase one. Passes are already available online, and though many are already sold out, Gold passes and Savannah passes are still available.
This year, student ticket purchases will function like previous years, in that student tickets are free for daytime screenings (1 ticket per screening time per person) and $5 for evening gala and certain special screenings. Once tickets go on sale tomorrow, October 2 at 10 a.m., students can pick up and fill out a student daytime ticket request, at the Savannah Box Office and collect their tickets three to four business days later.
It is $5 for one ticket with SCAD ID, full price ($10) for another; limit two tickets per person
There will be RUSH lines for sold out screenings on the day-of, should there be any additional seats available. Pricing for these differs depending on the type of screening, but students should plan to pay CASH ONLY for those tickets.
We recommend you arrive at the box office (located at the Trustees Theater on Broughton Street) the morning of the Oct. 2 and get in line with your SCAD ID to get the best tickets. Don’t bring a friend’s ID as well, hoping to get tickets for them; staff can only honor in-person SCAD ID ticket sales. This is true for staff and faculty IDs as well.
If you don’t want to wait in line, savannahboxoffice.com at 10 a.m. is your best bet, but be
ready and have an online ID filled out, as gala screenings sell out in minutes.
The SCAD Bee line will run as always, with the Silver line taking students to the Jen Library directly across from the Trustees Theater, and there will be festival shuttles running between the main theaters and the SCAD MOA.
The 2017 SCAD Savannah Film Festival schedule will be released tomorrow, by 10 a.m. when tickets go on sale. To read about this year’s honored guests, read our announcement here.
Good luck and happy film fest!