By Brian Smith

B. Thom Stevenson
Major: Illustration
Class: Fourth-year
Hometown: Worcester, MA

Stevenson’s the man behind the local t-shirt art group, Teen Hunk, alongside Mark Baker and Will Doyle. They launched in the spring of 2007 and are planning a new, simpler line for mid-Summer. They’re currently distributing through Civvies downtown and at Division East in New Jersey — with Web site plans in the works. Teen Hunk “wants to appeal to individuals, not demographics,” says Stevenson, who is also working on two book projects. The first is a combined effort of a circle of local artists, focusing on diversity of art. Each book is handcrafted and contains a variety of pieces from each artist. The second is a “contemporary view of American history, and the relationships of people 300 years ago.” With friend Ariel Wilcheck, Stevenson is creating interpretive illustrations of researched photos of Native American colonization, aiming to focus on semiotics. Stevenson also has an upcoming exhibition in August at Gallery Espresso, featuring paintings of historic Savannah buildings, what tourists don’t normally see and hand-lettered text of the South. After graduation, Stevenson plans to buy an RV and make the long haul to San Francisco and get his MFA, living off fine art and not burger flipping.