Get to Know: Derek Clarkson

District_fashion_banner2160863017910542102_yf7lQ569_c-e1337385970920By Daniel Alvarez

Name: Derek Clarkson
Major: Fashion Design
Year: Fourth-Year
Hometown: Seattle, Wa.

District: When did you decide you wanted to pursue a career in fashion?

Derek Clarkson: Well, actually, where the collection kind of branched from, a few years ago I was living in Iceland, and I got to hang out with local fashion designers, working on their own little small lines and projects … kind of inspired me to go to school to pursue this.

District: What were you doing in Iceland?

Clarkson: I was doing environmental volunteer work.

District: What was your inspiration behind your collection?

Clarkson: It’s based off the Scandinavian whaling industry from the early 1900’s. It has a strong focus on outerwear. It’s a menswear collection. I tried to create some interesting shapes, which is pretty lacking in menswear.

District: What was the most challenging aspect of the senior collection process?

Clarkson: It was a pretty intense process. You don’t sleep for more than three hours a night, or even sleep at all. And that goes for basically two whole quarters.

District: What are your plans after graduating?

Clarkson: Well, making it this far has opened a lot of doors and opportunities. Right now, I’m just kind of weighing my options, and deciding where the best ‘fit’ for me is. I’d really like to live in Europe at some point.

District: Back in Iceland?

Clarkson: Yup. Or somewhere in Scandinavia. Sweden would be great, there are a lot of opportunities out there.

District: Are there any aspects of your collection you wish you could change? What?

Clarkson: Overall, I’m pretty happy. Somehow, I’ve been able to execute the collection close to Senior I illustrations. I wish there was more time to do more.

District: Who would be your dream designer to work alongside?

Clarkson: Damir Doma would be great, or Henrik Vibskov. They’re both Scandinavian designers and they both have an interesting aesthetic.

District: Who has been the most influential person when developing your collection?

Clarkson: I’d say it’s a collective thing. I pull my strongest inspiration from Asian and Scandinavian sportswear. Also, I’d have to say, SCAD fashion faculty are amazing, from the sewing techs to the dean of Fashion. We have an amazing group of people to work with.

District: From your peers, who’s collection is your favorite?

Clarkson: My two favorites right now are Danielle Griesenauer, she’s awesome and the other menswear designer. And Edwardo Cavo. I love their work.

District: Do you have any advice for future seniors when starting senior collection?

Clarkson: Just do something different. Pay attention to what’s going on right now, then do something completely opposite.