Green Tip of the Week: Use a reusable water bottle

Did you know that the tap water in Savannah is 100 percent potable? Even the water used for showering and flushing: all potable. Savannah’s water comes from the Floridan aquifer. The funky taste might come from the old pipes since Savannah is such an old town, but it is still as fresh as the bottled waters, if not fresher.

picture-3Many bottled waters are pumped directly from municipal water systems into plastic bottles, moved to warehouses to await shipping, and then driven around who knows how many miles to reach stores. Our tap water is straight from the ground and into your belly. So, you don’t need to buy water bottles: you have free drinkable water coming from the tap. Why not take advantage of it?

Get that Nalgene bottle, fill it up and reduce the plastic waste created by the bottled water industry and increase that extra cash in your pocket. In the photo on the left is my water bottle. I also use old Orangina glass bottles to store water in my fridge for when I want cold water. Somehow the glass makes it taste way better. Give it a try!

The Green Angle is a District section focusing on sustainability. Make sure to check out The Green Angle Resource Directory, which features information on sustainable products, ideas, designs and practices. To suggest a