By Augusta Statz
During a social awareness class, a group of seven graphic design graduate students teamed up for a class project and created an event that will benefit the entire community. The goal of the class project was to create something that the Savannah community has never seen before, and that’s how the H2Olympics came to be.
After going out and talking to members of the Savannah community, the group immediately began brainstorming ideas for what their new community event could be.
“We tried to think about what would be something that would be fun to do, something that could be repeatable and something that would bring Savannah together and benefit Savannah,” said Courtney Clark, one of the students involved in the project.
The students decided that their community event would be the H2Olympics.
The H2Olympics will include a giant slip and slide that was designed to meet the Guinness World Record for the longest distance traveled in one hour and five water-themed games including water balloon volleyball toss and water dodge ball. Sign ups for the team games will be available at the event. The H2Olympics is open to all ages, and people of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Clark said that the goal of this event is to bring together the community, have fun and do it for a good cause. She fully believes that the H2Olympics will accomplish that goal.
The seven graduate students also chose a non-profit organization to sponsor the event. United Way seemed like a perfect fit for this project and what the students were trying to accomplish. All of the funds raised at the event will benefit the United Way of the Coastal Empire.
“The nice part about United Way is that their goal is to take money and put it wherever it is needed within the city,” said Clark.
Gregg Schroeder, the president of United Way of the Coastal Empire had this to say about the collaboration:
“We very much welcome the partnership with SCAD. We’re excited about it, and I really admire the creativity of this project.”
This is the first collaboration of this kind between SCAD students and the United Way, but Schroeder would welcome more opportunities like this.
“Giving is a big part of life, and I think the earlier examples of that you have in life, the better it is. I think it makes you a better citizen. Giving is the right we pay to enjoy the community we live in,” says Schroeder.
The H2Olympics fits this year’s call to action for the Untied Way: Live United. Not only are SCAD students showing others how to live united, they are also benefitting the community.
Schroeder thinks that the H2Olympics will benefit the community in two ways:
1. Indirectly through the visibility of an alliance between SCAD students and the United Way.
2. Directly through any funds raised which will go to a community fund that will help those individuals that are in need in the community.
Information about the event:
When: Aug. 28 2 – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Lake Mayer Community Park
7235 Sallie Mood Dr.
How much: $3 for kids
$5 for adults
Editor’s Note:
The H2Olympics event, originally scheduled for this Sunday, August 28 at Lake Mayer Community Park, from 2pm – 4pm has been canceled.