Hillel club profile
Photos by Sarah Osterheld
Outside the classroom, students can busy themselves with the wide variety of clubs and organizations SCAD offers. More than 50 different groups cater to majors, hobbies and even faith.
Hillel is part of the global college organization of the same name that promotes Jewish student life on campus. Unlike most organizations at SCAD, Hillel does not meet up weekly. Instead the events are dispersed throughout the quarter according to Jewish holidays.
The quarter started off with a ceremonial dinner for the Passover Seder at the Temple Mickve Israel in downtown Savannah. Hana Hyman, a third-year fashion marketing and management student from Nashville, Tennessee, said members ate “specific foods during the dinner service to commemorate events that happened while the Jews were enslaved in Egypt.”
Members also read from the Haggadah, a special prayer book specifically used for the Passover. “It reminds us of the hardships,” said Hyman. “And of how grateful we are for God’s miracles still today in helping us get out of Egypt safely so we could have the lives we have today.”
Last Tuesday marked the end of Passover. During Passover, the members could not eat grains and yeast such as wheat, rice, corn and legumes. When Passover ended, Hillel met up at Panera on Broughton Street to “break Passover” by eating the bread at the bakery.
The next meeting will have members making their own sushi with Rabbi Lob on May 7 at the Boundary Village common room at 8:40 p.m. May 20 marks the club’s last meeting and the members will celebrate the end of the year with a trip to La Berry at 8:00 p.m.
For more information about Hillel, visit their website and for more information about SCAD’s religious organizations, visit the student involvement website.
Editors Note: The photos were taken by Revelle Gerson, Sarah Osterheld, and heather Szatsmary