Hive expansion features new amenities
SCAD students have witnessed the gradual upheaval of the Hive area over the past two years, but renovations are finally coming to a close. The construction is set to be completely finished by this fall, giving students plenty of new recreational and lifestyle amenities and creating residential space for approximately 150 more people than SCAD is currently able to house.
The Hive Coffee Shop received new furniture to give students more room to work and create a more engaging coffee shop atmosphere. Dean of Students David Blake explained the updates as a matter of monitoring how students use the space.
“We noticed students doing a lot of work in there,” Blake said. “So we brought in longer tables to accommodate that, with some built-in electrical outlets.”
Across the street from the coffee shop sits the new parking deck officially open for use to any SCAD student, Hive resident or not. On the bottom layer of the structure, construction is underway on a new gym, SCADFit.
SCADFit will be larger than the current gym, ClubSCAD, but will be furnished to complement ClubSCAD, not replace it.
“We want to offer the same types of classes that are offered at ClubSCAD, to give more resources to that and some more physical space,” Blake said. “It’s just a great option, with the parking deck right there.”
• Photos: New Hive Pool Opens
• Video: Take a Tour of Hive Apartments
SCADFit will also feature a new dining facility, with a selection of healthy grab-and-go options for students.
The completed Hive will contain roughly 1,000 parking spots. Despite the increase in parking, first-year students are still officially discouraged from bringing cars to campus, and they will not gain access to the parking lots at any academic buildings.
The bus stop currently located alongside Turner House will eventually be moved into the Hive area, making SCAD transportation more accessible for first-year students.
The Hive pool officially opened last Friday, kicking off the spring season with a pool party. Blake explained that the new pool was designed to help build a sense of community among residents.
“Any recreational area is designed to enhance the student experience,” Blake said. “If students have a better experience in their living area, they’re going to have a better experience academically.”
SCAD expects that consolidating first-year housing into the new area will foster a stronger sense of community.
“All of the area is designed for that,” Blake said. “how it is going to function is going to improve the students’ ability to connect and meet other people and help us get information to the students.”
The construction of the Hive is scheduled to be complete by Fall 2017, ready for SCAD’s class of 2021.
Written by Shelby Loebker.