Photos courtesy of Media Commons
Infographic by Gabby Manotoc
With fall quarter already well underway, we’ve entered October without really noticing it. Sure, we’ve had a few nice days of weather. Temperatures dipped into the 60s some, and on Monday morning everyone with an 8 a.m. wore a sweater because their iPhone said it was 50 degrees out.
But October is so much more. There’s Halloween, there’s Columbus Day if you’re into that sort of thing, and then ABC Family hosts their “13 Nights of Halloween” scary movie marathon. For everyone with a TV and cable, this year it starts on Oct. 19.
More important than that, October is also LGBT History Month, as well as Breast Cancer Awareness Month … and it’s Dental Hygiene Month, Down Syndrome Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Physical Therapy Month and Cyber Security Awareness Month.
Check out what’s below for some info on why October’s so great.