How to Prep for a Hurricane

Written by Alexandra Salazar-Rodó. Graphic by Abby Chadwick.

Hurricane Helene and Milton’s arrival has shaken up our day to day lives, leaving behind not only devastation on the west coast of Florida, but as well as here in Georgia. With two major hurricanes in less than two weeks, the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season can be considered hot and heavy. Not to mention that the incoming storms are not over yet. From Jun.1 to Nov. 30, Savannah has potential to be heavily impacted by both tropical storms and fully fledged hurricanes. But there is no need to scream and panic, if aware and prepared hurricane season can come and go in a breeze.

  1. Research the Natural Disaster: As Francis Bacon believed, “Knowledge is power.” The more you know about what hurricanes are, how they are formed, what is making them so strong in recent years, then prepping for the storm becomes even easier. Get to know the warnings and alerts given to the storm by the National Hurricane Center. Find a weather outlet that you can easily receive updates on the storm. And most importantly, study the different categories of hurricanes. Tropical storms to a category 5, be conscious of what each level entails and how to properly plan and adjust to what might come Savannah’s way.
  2. Have an Evacuation Plan: Plans are golden – you don’t have to use them, but even just having one can make a big difference in hurricane planning. With a knowing plan, nerves calm down and the ability to execute said plan or need to quickly get going seems easier. Hopefully it won’t get to that point, but this is the first safety precaution. Savannah is on the coast and flooding is a concern. So, plan your escape according to the evacuation zones set by the government. Know what zone you are in and when you might have to leave your home.
  3. Strengthen your Home: If you are staying in or evacuating, make sure you re-enforce anything that needs extra protection in your house. This can include shuttering the windows, making sure doors properly close and maybe prepping sand bags to help with a flooding situation. Clear anything that might be able to fly away; either secure it or bring it into the home. By double checking everything or strengthening items, this protects your home and those of your neighbors,
  4. Gather Supplies: Food, water, gas and cleaning supplies for a few days are a necessary purchase. Buy any supplies you might need if a storm becomes really bad. Be sure to stock up on mostly non-perishable foods/supplies as many storms can have an impact of a few days. Get a lot of water because you won’t just need it to drink; if pipes get affected you’ll need a bucket of water to help flush toilets. This is an important step, a bad experience can be easily shaped from the lack of supplies in the home or where one is staying. Go out and buy items you might want as well during dark times. Additionally purchase candles, matches and even glow sticks to allow light during a dark situation.
  5. Gather Important Documents and Personal Memorabilia: Have identification, insurance and stat documents ready to grab. A good idea is to have them all prepared in a plastic box for a quick grab and go. Place and/or gather any personal items, especially the most dear ones. 
  6. Pack an Emergency Bag: The bag can include clothing, toiletries and jewels. Pack this if you are getting ready to evacuate. Make sure the chosen clothing is comfy and easy to move in. Gather all your day to day toiletries, anything one might not be able to live without. Then for jewels, stay with grabbing the expensive or the significant ones, the few that might be a loss if anything happens.
  7. Get Tech Ready: Charge all essential technology: phones, laptops and tablets, anything one might need or want if a power outage occurs and keep them as fully charged as you can. Figure out what items use batteries and make sure to have backups, especially if you want to have items like a flashlight or lantern. 
  8. Develop an Emergency Plan: And when there is nothing else to do or you want that last layer of preparation, bring out your emergency plan. Evacuate, seek government aided sheltering or even have a friend as a back up. But make sure you create an emergency plan…

There might be a few extras depending on the situation, like getting pets ready for either a long stay indoors or an evacuation. But overall, the best tip one could be given, and even though it is cheesy, is to stay calm. One can only think and work properly with a clear head.

Now that you have gone through the dire essentials, time to plan your HURRICANE PARTY!!!! Go through the storm with companions, bring out board and card games, have fun foods and drinks to keep you going through the night. Allow yourself to goof around a bit, it will help relieve stress from getting ready or from the actual storm. And if you and your friends are brave enough, get a stupid costume, an American flag and when the wind begins to pick up, go get Tik Tok famous.* 

Good luck and stay safe!

*Please do not actually go outside during the hurricane.