Jen Library to host ‘Paws in the Library’
Photo courtesy of the SCAD Libraries Facebook page.
This Tuesday, Nov. 10, the Jen Library will host “Paws in the Library,” a different kind of study break for students before they go into finals. Each quarter the SCAD libraries have a “Dog Day” where students can come to interact with therapy dogs. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s website, studies have shown that therapy pets can help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Most students get a pick-me-up simply from being around the animals, often missing their pets back home. Lasts spring quarter, Dog Day hosted 14 dogs with over 300 students in attendance. The event has been well received by students for its unique therapeutic nature and has been getting more exposure each quarter.
The event will welcome Therapy Dogs International, a volunteer organization on a mission to provide therapy dogs wherever they’re needed most. They regulate, test and register dogs — as well as their owners — to go into nursing homes, hospitals, schools, businesses and wherever else they feel therapy dogs are needed. The animals in their program have a wide range of backgrounds, from pedigrees to rescues; many of them have been saved from bad situations or adopted from local shelters.
Therapy Dogs International will be at the Jen Library from 1:00-3:00 p.m. There will be free snacks, games and coloring books to help students ease their stress, alongside the dogs. The event is free and open to all SCAD card holders.