Written by Sofia Ritz, Photograph courtesy of Gillian Kate Photopgraphy
Not only is Jett Black a hilarious individual, a talented fashion major and a beautiful woman, but she is also a phenomenal drag queen. Seeing Jett Black on stage it’s hard to fathom that she’s been performing for over a year. From her exquisite outfits to her makeup and ballroom skills everything about her screams professional. But Jett Black had to start somewhere. Like many, she was at a loss during quarantine as to what to do with all her free time. While stuck inside watching T.V., a pastime turned into a passion.
“That time was when I found out about Drag Race, and I learned about drag through Drag Race. I specifically got really obsessed with the lip sync battles. I liked dancing in my room, so when I saw the Alyssa Edwards vs.Tatianna lip sync, I was like- wait, let me do choreography to this,” said Jett.
Jett Black’s drag career blossomed once she moved from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, the name of which is apparently “the best thing about it,” to Savannah. She started performing in February 2023, at the monthly Star Search competitions held at Club One.
“I did February, March and April of freshman year, and then I did September and I won…year-end is in November, right as we leave for Winter break. So I couldn’t do it, but it’s okay, that’s not a position I want to earn right now, and I still have so much SCAD stuff,” said Jett.
Juggling life as a fashion major at SCAD on top of drag shows, Jett Black has a lot on her plate. Luckily, she has a supportive drag family to back her. Jett’s a part of the House of Threats, a local drag house in Savannah. Her drag mother, Amerys the Empress, adopted her on her “drag-anniversary,” after losing Star Search, and it was one of the most valuable consolation prizes she could have ever received after losing — despite a stellar performance. Jett’s incredibly grateful for the mentorship, support, and even the occasional wig she receives from her family in House of Threats.
“I feel secure in the community here. I have found my chosen family here and I definitely want to be a part of it for a while,” said Jett, “At the end of the day we’re all trying to do the same stuff so why not help each other be the best at it?”
And she truly is the best. Her ensembles, from glittery black corsets to shiny red lingerie, all convey the cool, awesome, goth moon princess vibe she aims for. Regarding other queens influencing her look, Jett’s favorite drag queen is Bosco, from season 14 of Drag Race. She’s been Jett’s favorite queen since she first saw her, and she even made a cameo on Jett’s shirt during this interview. Bosco’s vibe is transgender as fuck, an alternative naked stripper demon with her title: Demon Queen of Seattle. Jett’s is the Devilish Doll of Savannah. Jett also takes a lot of makeup inspiration from Mirage, a queen featured on the newer seasons of Drag Race.
“Ultimately, my biggest inspirations are anybody who’s trans; anybody who’s naked; and anybody who is a really good performer,” said Jett.
On the future of drag, and where it’s headed, Jett commented on the hypersexualized impression many have of the art.
“They think of drag as inappropriate, but there’s a much more modernized version of drag that fits more into fashion, especially with Drag Race,” said Black. “There’s an evolution of drag that’s happening that I think is challenging many people’s misconceptions about what it is.”
Drag is difficult. It’s seven different art forms layered on top of one another and it’s a lot to learn. But Jett Black is mastering it all and aims to be on Drag Race when all is said and done, so look out for her. “Even,” she said, “If I’m in season 37.”
“Keep an eye out for Savannah Pride in October too,” said Jett. “Things might be constantly happening. Support the dolls. Tip the girls. Protect trans youth. And free Palestine.” said Jett.