Join the club: Fur some real friends

Written by James Bassett, Video by Negan Fu, Photos by Emma Roberts

Embedded deep within the SCAD community, there lies a club full of colourful personalities and whimsical banter. That club is the SCAD Furs. 

The club has been a part of SCAD for about five years now and it’s clear to see why members continue to flock to the Boundary Village multi-purpose room every Friday afternoon. The Furs are, at their heart, animal lovers, as made apparent by their large, vibrant costumes. These “fur-suits,” are indicative of a person’s “fursona,” which represents how each member views themselves within a more anthropomorphic sense. Fursonas can range from colorful canines, seductive foxes, bashful raccoons and so on. 

This was all brought to light during their quarterly “fursona roast” event which took place Oct. 18. This event, which operated similarly to that of Comedy Central’s roasts, placed club members into the hot seat whilst their fellow furries aimed some rather comical, yet light-hearted, criticisms at them. After they finished hurling their witty critiques at their flamboyant works of art, the floor opened up for kinder comments, which falls in line with the welcoming atmosphere that the SCAD Furs offers to its’ members. 

When looking at the furry community and placing it within the scope of the SCAD population, the Furs plays such an integral part within the SCAD family. The club provides a safe space where people within the ever growing “furry fandom” can, “chill out and have fun” said Connor McLaughlin, President of SCAD Furs.