A traveling film festival is coming to town.
The Trustees Theater will host Black Maria Film Festival this Friday. They will show a variety of short films—animation, documentary, narrative and hybrids — that aren’t commonly seen on the big screen.
Black Maria screens films in more than 60 different cities across the United States. They encourage filmmakers to submit all kinds of work, from the insightful, sensitive and free spirited to expressive and experimental films.
An associate in each city chooses from a selection of Black Maria film submissions to screen. Since the festival screens movies at a variety of venues — it’s even been at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. and the Museum of Modern Art in New York — the films vary from place to place.
“We picked out like, an hour and a half of material specifically for SCAD,” said Michael Chaney, a film professor and Black Maria associate. “We have a tendency for SCAD to pick out short stuff.”
Chaney has worked with the festival to coordinate screenings since Black Maria first came to Savannah 15 years ago. In the past, he helped gear programming toward children, students and social justice issues, but this year he’s hoping to get a little something for everyone.
“I guarantee you there will be at least one film that will inspire you,” said Chaney. “No matter who you are.”
The screenings start at 7 p.m. on March 7. Tickets cost $5 and can be purchased at the Savannah Box Office. For more information about the festival, visit their website.