Let & The Thieves& steal your attention

the-thieves-e1357207323102What: Psychotronic Film Night’s screening of Korea’s 2012 box-office hit, “The Thieves”

Where: The Sentient Bean, 13 E. Park St.

When: Sunday, January 6with seating at 7:30 p.m. Film begins at 8:00 p.m. and ticket price is $9.

“The Thieves” will play as a part of the Psychotronic Film’s “Movies Savannah Missed” series, which features films that wouldn’t otherwise play in our region. The action film has just been released in the US after breaking Korean box office records, becoming the highest grossing film in Korean history and has been described as “an Asian spin on Steven Soderberg’s Ocean’s 11 movies,” by the Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah.

The movie tells the story of 10 criminals and their overlapping plans to steal a $20 million, 318-carat diamond from an unbreakable vault inside of a casino. As their plans go into action, the crew falls apart as each criminal betrays their counterparts in order to get to the diamond first. “Thieves” features the well-dressed robbers and high-energy fight scenes we all look for in an action movie — but finding out whether or not anyone is successful in their mission is up to you. The film is in Korean with English subtitles and will play for one night only.

For more information contact The Sentient Bean at 912-232-4447.