Look Here Gallery shows off student work
Photos by Angie Stong
By Stephanie Vélez Portilla
April 22 and 23, photography students and alumni gathered in Welmont gallery to display and sell their artwork at a nonSCAD affiliated exhibition titled, “Look Here.”
Hosted by the photography department and juried by SCAD alumni, Look Here presented photography and video artwork by over 140 artists.
Look Here gave a chance for students to not only get their work showcased but also become familiar with, “the process of making a piece that is presentation ready [which is dependent upon] deciding on titles and framing decisions, in addition to the pricing of the artwork, and dealing with gallery guidelines,” said photography professor, Josh Jalpert.
Since the exhibition held no theme, Look Here allowed students the freedom to draw from various places of inspiration. The artwork ranged from, “anxiety and isolation,” said fourth-year photography major, Jessica Elfadl to “a simple portrait in the studio,” said second-year photography major, Augusto Alliegro.
Jalpert addressed the exhibition becoming a yearly tradition when he said, “others exhibitions, I think, generate more heat and intensity for being short-lived exhibitions, and I think that this is the latter case, an exhibition that has generated more vitality because of its short duration and its momentary appearance and disappearance.”
From those selected for the exhibition, Jalpert put together a narrower but representative selection for a catalog. The catalog is also titled Look Here and is available for online view and purchase through Blurb.