Meet Senior equestrian team member Jessica Amsberry

Photos by Giana Terranova Photography

The SCAD Equestrian team just returned from Lexington, Kentucky where they competed at the Interscholastic Horse Show Association Nationals. The team is made up of 60 riders but only those who qualified for Nationals or volunteered as grooms traveled to Kentucky. Jessica Amsberry is one of eight riders who represented SCAD at the competition. She’s a Senior fibers major who has been on the team for three years and rides in the Advanced Walk, Trot, Canter Division.

Jessica and her horse, Lofty


SCADEqMag: How has your experience on the SCAD team differed from your previous riding experience?

Jessica: “Growing up, my horse life was involved but low key. From the age of five through high school, I remained at the same barn with the same trainer. It felt like family and I think that’s something I’ve always valued in a barn setting. My competitive experience consisted of local and schooling shows, 4-H and my high school equestrian team – all equitation based. Nothing crazy but I loved every minute!”

SCADEqMag: What’s your favorite part about being on the team?

Jessica: “Camaraderie. Our team is huge and we’re all so different, so there’s something incredibly neat about all these people coming together for this one thing they have in common.”

 SCADEqMag: You competed at Nationals last year. Can you describe that experience?

Jessica: “Traveling with the team is always an adventure and Nationals 2015 was no exception. As a whole it was nerve wracking, exhilarating, exhausting and rewarding. They were long days indeed and the most challenging part was the waiting! My class was scheduled late in the day which made it hard to maintain focus and energy.”

SCADEqMag: What kind of preparation, both long and short term, did you do before Nationals?

Jessica: “Physically I think cross-training is important for any type of athlete. Aside from riding each day, I conditioned with the team and on my own. I also kept a mental list of my weaker areas and sometimes even wrote them down. I’m a list maker.”

SCADEqMag: Did you have expectations for what Nationals would be like? If so, did it meet or fail those expectations?

Jessica: “I like when my expectations are exceeded, so I generally have lower ones. That might sound bad, but I would rather not be disappointed. I would say that the experience of Nationals met my expectations, but the result far exceeded what I never dared to think was possible!”

SCADEqMag: What was the most memorable part of Nationals?

Jessica: I can’t pick just one! Tears of joy, standing in that arena receiving the first ever National IHSA Championship as a team and a big airport welcome home received upon return by teammates and friends.

Jessica riding at zones

Jessica riding at the zones competition

SCADEqMag: If you could go back and do one thing differently, what would it be?

Jessica: “I placed fifth in my class so there is clearly room for growth as a rider, but if I could change something, it would have been my mindset from the beginning. I was supportive of the team but my focus was also really introspective.”

SCADEqMag: What’s one piece of advice you’d give your past self before going to Nationals?

Jessica: “It is so easy to become egocentric within this sport. As I mentioned, last year I felt disappointment with my performance. The buildup was huge. It came, it went and I wasn’t fully satisfied. It wasn’t until the final day when it all came down to our final rider. It was in that moment when I realized this wasn’t ever about me, it was about the team.”

SCADEqMag: You’re going to Nationals again this year. Did you make that a goal at the beginning of the year?

Jessica: “Yes! I sure am. After experiencing Nationals last year I knew I had only one more shot and was motivated to make it back, if at all possible.”

SCADEqMag: Are you any more or less excited this year?

Jessica: “More! Heck, I’ve been given another chance to represent SCAD on a National level and I’m not about to let that pass me by.”

SCADEqMag: Are you feeling more pressure because you’re a senior?

Jessica: “No. I am competitive by nature and knowing that this very well could be the last time I compete for a long while is a little hard to swallow. However, participating in IHSA has been a gift that I never planned for and therefore I can only feel thankful.”

SCADEqMag: What are your plans for after graduation?

Jessica: “This is definitely my favorite question. Just kidding! It’s actually been my least favorite, simply because it’s hard to answer. This has been the most common and challenging question I’ve faced recently. I like to have a plan or at least a next step in sight, but right now I don’t, and I’m learning to be OK with that.”