Meet Some of the Horses and Riders Representing SCAD
By Alexandra Doucet
Photos by Giana Terranova Photography
Last week, eight SCAD riders competed in the American National Riding Commission Equitation Championships hosted at Centenary College in Hackettstown, New Jersey. ANRC requires competitors to bring their own horse, either from their school or a lease. This creates a very different dynamic than the Interscholastic Horse Show Association Shows, where riders are randomly assigned to one of the host school’s horses. The SCAD riders worked extensively with their equine partners over weeks of training and developed strong, unique bonds with them. Below are profiles of some of the riders and horses, detailing each pair’s quirks and qualities.
Tatum Tatreau and Audition:
Age: 20; Class: Junior; Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite part of horse showing: Competing on a team with some of her best friends
Equine pet peeve: When horses paw or kick in the cross ties
Age: 8; Favorite treat: Butterscotch candies or Fiber One lemon bars
Background: Junior hunter, never competed at ANRC before
Likes: Vibration plate therapy and following Coach Ashley Henry around the ring
Dislikes: Hard brushes, people touching him
Why they work: Tatum says that Ditto’s way of going is extremely similar to that of her first junior hunter, which helped her and Ditto come to a mutual understanding in the past few months and learn to work together.
Quinn Lowsky and Aspen
Age: 20; Class: Sophomore; Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite part of showing: Getting out of his home ring and traveling to different venues
Equine pet peeve: When horses get injured
Age: 17; Favorite treat: Peppermints
Background: Show Hunter and Indoor Equitation Horse
Likes: His stall window
Dislikes: Quinn says, “He’s a saint, so even if he did dislike something, I wouldn’t know!”
Why they work: Quinn says, “I think that Aspen and I click both personality-wise and in our way of going. He has a huge stride and I can just get up into half seat and gallop to everything which I love doing.” Quinn goes on to say that as they have gotten to know one another, Aspen has begun to recognize him. Aspen has also figured out what Quinn is asking of him which makes working together easier.
Devon Walther and Von Trapp
Age: 21; Class: Senior; Favorite food: Sushi
Equine pet peeve: Horses pulling on the reins
Age: 12
Background: Won the ASPCA Maclay championships among other notable equitation and hunter titles
Likes: Sticking his tongue out and holding on to his own lead rope
Why they work: Devon says the pair works well together because Von Trapp fits her riding style perfectly. She can, “just get up into half seat and go!” The pair competed at ANRC last year and were National Level Champions!
Kelsey Fey and Ajax
Age: 21; Class: Senior; Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite part of showing: Working towards progressing to higher levels
Equine pet peeve: Horses spooking
Age: 9; Favorite treat: Peppermints
Likes: Snoozing in the cross ties
Dislikes: Entering the ring
Why they work: Kelsey says that Ajax requires her to ride forward and match his rhythm. They both have mellow and low stress personalities that make them a great team.
Meredith Denny and Cassiopeia
Age: 20; Class: Junior; Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite part of showing: Meredith says, “Feeling like I have really worked toward a goal that I can set for myself and the horse I’m showing, and to prove myself as a rider.”
Equine pet peeve: Horses who try to bully their handler on the ground
Cassiopeia (Peia)
Age: 16; Favorite treat: Special K Bars
Background: Her original owner was told multiple times that Peia wasn’t worth the training. She is now a successful SCAD horse and this is her second year competing at ANRC.
Likes: Being talked to constantly
Dislikes: Shadows and spray bottles
Why they work: Meredith says the two work together because she takes extra time when Peia needs it but she also forces the horse to be brave and work through her nerves. Meredith describes Peia as, “a very interesting horse, and can be quirky to figure out.” Regardless, Meredith wouldn’t think of going to ANRC with another horse. She says, “This is a very special horse, and I could not thank SCAD enough for getting the chance to represent the school on such a lovely animal.”
Lauren Stuller and Elliot Jackman
Age: 19; Class: Sophomore; Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite part of showing: Doing what she loves without any pressure
Equine pet peeve: Horses without good manners
Age: 9; Favorite treat: Anything
Background: Junior hunter champion at HITS Ocala
Likes: Rubs on the head
Dislikes: Traffic in the ring
Why they work: The two clicked well and Lauren decided EJ was a perfect stand-in for her original ride, who was injured and unable to compete. She says that he is a really special horse and she’s enjoyed spending time with him both in and out of the saddle.
Kate Morrison and Armani
Age: 22; Class: Junior; Favorite food: French Fries
Age: 18; Favorite treat: Carrots
Background: An experienced SCAD horse who’s competed at ANRC before
Likes: Cuddling and being your friend
Dislikes: Anyone fussing with his mouth
Why they work: Kate says, “I think we clicked because he is very simple. He knows what he is doing. He’s been there and done that. As a rider, I’m not one to get in a horse’s way. I think he likes that.”
Check out the ANRC results on the SCAD Athletics page!