by Emma Roberts
The SCAD Savannah Film Festival held a “Meet the Industry Experts” panel in the Gutstein Gallery today. Those in attendance heard leading industry professionals discuss topics ranging from how to get noticed in a crowded industry to the future of film itself. Panelists included Lauren Williams and Chelsea Benson from Echo Lake Entertainment, Jessica Boucher from Green Shepard Productions and Teri Dean from NBC. While they encouraged the audience to be tenacious and confident when going into the industry, they also warned the young filmmakers on a common mistake. “Going too fast, doing too much before you’re ready,” Dean said. It’s not always about starting at the top, it’s about getting the assistant job and working up from there. It’s important to remain open in order to make connections. “There are so many platforms now, and so many that haven’t been released yet. There are so many ways to get yourself out there,” Williams said.