New location: Celebrity gossip blogger and free food
Lisa Timmons, editor and senior creative director for celebrity gossip blog Socialite Life will give a talk at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 6 in Room 222 on the second floor of Arnold Hall, 1810 Bull St. Please note the change in location.
The talk is the first in the eat & educate series, sponsored by the SCAD chapter of the Society for Collegiate Journalists (SCJ).
A free breakfast will be served, and Timmons will talk about emerging job opportunities in new media, and how to prepare yourself accordingly. All SCAD students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend. To reserve a seat at the talk, please e-mail
The eat & educate series are talks and free food held twice a month. The series seeks to nourish the minds and stomachs of the SCAD community, and focuses on topics related to media. Talks will be presented by industry professionals, as well as current students participating in Student Media. For more information about SCJ, visit