News brief: Savannah presents Picnic in the Park 2011

The City of Savannah announces this year’s “much-loved Savannah tradition,” the Picnic in the Park, which will take place Oct. 2 in Forsyth Park. The event is free and open to the public. Anyone attending can look forward to an evening of “live music, family and picnics big and small.”

The theme of this year’s picnic is “Rock ‘n’ Run,” in honor of the first Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon to be held in Savannah on Nov. 5. Picnickers are encouraged to make creative use of the theme while planning their picnics. Those who enter their spreads in the annual picnic contest are eligible to win prizes and “bragging rights.” Some themes from the 2010 Picnic in the Park include: creative use of materials, decorative objects, costuming and menu.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for this year’s event, including media sponsor, presenting sponsor, event sponsor, supporting sponsors and picnic contest host. Anyone interested may contact Jessica Putallaz with the City of Savannah’s Department of Cultural Affairs at (912) 651-6417 or send an

Editor’s Note:

This article has been revised July 28, 2011 to reflect the following changes:
The 2011 Picnic in the Park event will be held on Oct. 2. The Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon will be held on Nov. 5.