News brief: Savannah to host Fashion’s Night Out

In partnership with the City of Savannah through the Department of Economic Development, Savannah will be hosting its first ever Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) on Sept. 8, from 6 to 11 p.m.

As an initiative that began in New York City, FNO is designed as an evening to spark consumer confidence during the economic downturn by providing shoppers with a chance to mix, mingle and participate in premiere events such as musical performances or art installations.

“The event will span from Broughton to Gaston and Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, with Broughton Street being open to pedestrian traffic only, enabling shoppers and vendors to take the street,” said Cecilia Russo of Cecilia Russo Marketing, a co-founder of FNO-Savannah.

Participating businesses will host workshops, featured artists, featured designers, live music, catering, complimentary makeovers, tastings and consultations during the event.

All fashion and design boutiques in the city are invited to join in FNO-Savannah. Any interested business participants may attend a public information session July 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Avia Hotel at 14 Barnard St.

For more information about FNO, visit