Obama offers truth and transparency

By Lee Burbage

During the entire presidential debate last Friday, McCain did nothing but make the same promises he has been saying all along. Watching the debate, I did not hear one single new concept. Let’s face it – McCain needs a new act.

Lets get this straight; I do not hate the man. I think McCain is a very intelligent man. He is very well-read and has had decades of experience in the military and in politics. I would love to sit down and have lunch with him. However, I would prefer a president that actually can speak up for himself. I want a President that can show a little attitude with his speeches. I don’t want him to rely on his pitbull of a running mate to do that for him.

Obama not only kept up with his same message that he has been presenting – he also told us how he was going to go through with it. Obama came right out and said how he plans on dealing with Iran. When he did so, McCain blasted him for it, saying that he did not understand how military strategy worked. That Obama did not now how politics worked. I would beg to differ with Senator McCain.

Senator Obama does know how military strategies work and he knows how politics in this day and age work. Obama came right out and said how he planned to deal with Iran because he knew that the American people were tired of dealing with a President buried in secrets. He knew that the American people want the truth. McCain not only has past his prime, he has also been involved with an administration that has dealt in secrets and underhanded dealings for too long. After the past eight years, it is not a matter of competency. It is a matter of trust. Who can we trust? Maybe I am being a little radical at this point, but I would like my civil liberties back. How is that for straight talk?